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Quick and easy lip augmentation

London Based Global Focused

Lip Filler In Our London Based Clinic

Our Clinic

London Based
Global Focused

Here at the Harley Street Skin Clinic London, we offer only the best lip fillers and high-quality surgical and non-surgical procedures for our patients. All our surgeons and skin experts are well-trained and knowledgeable especially with lip fillers so you can be sure that we will provide you with all the support that you need all throughout the process.

Lip Filler With Our Practitioners

Our Practitioners

The Experts
Cosmetics Practitioners

You came to the right place for lip filler as we have the best medical professionals that you need here in London when it comes to lip fillers. We also take pride in the importance of our patients' privacy with utmost discretion from the time of their initial consultation up to their post care.

Our Lip Filler Treatment Results

Our Results

Contoured and Fuller Lips

If you are into practicing self-love then taking care of your skin is a must and addressing your skin concerns properly. Here at Harley Street Skin Clinic, we want to help you achieve every facial and body goals that you may have without breaking a bank. Whether you want to get rid of those reduced fine lines, wrinkles, or dull skin, we give you the best lip fillers in London.

What is a Lip Filler Treatment?

Let’s understand how lip filler works.

Contoured and fuller lips

How does lip filler work?

It is one of the most common cosmetic procedures that is quick and minimally invasive. It adds volume to the lips, using injectable treatments with natural-looking results. This treatment uses a topical anesthesia since there will be substances injected into the skin that might cause mild discomfort to the patient.

Some of the most common aesthetic reasons people get this treatment are to enhance their thin lips, correct asymmetrical lip shapes, or simply to contour their lips. Who would not want that right? It’s a non-surgical procedure, cheap, and quick which you can have any time of the day.

The Benefits of Lip Filler

  • It helps in improving your lip symmetry, best for people with asymmetrical lip shape
  • It also helps in smoothing out wrinkles and fine lines within your lip area
  • It provides instant results in just a few sessions
  • It has minimal to no downtime so you can definitely resume your daily activities
  • It is a cost-efficient treatment compared with other surgical procedures

The Different Types of Lip Fillers in London

Hyaluronic Acid (HA) Fillers

Adds volume and shape to your lips

This type of dermal filler is the most commonly used for lip filler treatments since it has natural substances that can be found in the human body. It comes with different brands as well and different textures too.

Classification: Biocompatible

Downtime: Minimal downtime

Best for: This is recommended for people who want to refine their lip’s shape and volume.

Collagen Fillers

Natural looking lip augmentation

This type of dermal filler is typically designed to provide natural-looking lips once it’s injected into your lips. It also derives from protein-based sources, hence the natural look. In some cases, patients need to undergo an allergy test just to make sure that it is compatible with their skin type.

Classification: Protein-based

Downtime: Minimal downtime

Best for: This is recommended for people looking for a temporary lip enhancement with nice subtle enhancement.

Fat Transfer

Permanent lip augmentation results

This type of dermal filler involves a surgical procedure where fat is transferred from one part of the body, typically through liposuction, and then it’s going to be injected into your lips to add volume and shape. It is recommended for people who want to have permanent lip fillers rather than going through a series of lip filler sessions.

Classification: Surgical procedure

Downtime: 1 to 2 weeks

Best for: This is recommended for people who are seeking permanent fillers and long-lasting defined lip shape.

The Lip Filler Treatment

Understanding lip filler treatments

How does a lip filler work?

Lip Filler is a dermal filler treatment for people wanting to have fuller and contoured lips. It's a minimally invasive procedure that uses substances like hyaluronic acid that is typically found in the human body. It's an injectable treatment that uses premium dermal filler. In some cases, patients may feel a slight lip swelling, discomfort during and after the procedure but please note that is completely normal and manageable.

We highly suggest that you book an in-depth consultation with us so we can assess your natural shape and see what are the best dermal filler injections to be carefully injected into your skin and achieve your lip goals.

Addressing lip filler treatment concerns

Why do you need to try lip fillers?

If you have an asymmetrical lip shape and want to enhance its fuller form then you should try the lip filler treatment to achieve that goal of yours. Aging and loss of collagen can also be reasons why you should try a lip filler treatment today. Aside from being minimally invasive, it's also much cheaper than any surgical procedure.

Factors that might affect the result of Lip Fillers

You should take note of these factors.

Just like any cosmetic treatments, there may be some factors that can affect the results of your lip filler. There are different types of dermal fillers that can be used in lip filler along with the different purposes on your skin concerns. This is why we highly suggest that you share with your esthetician your desired results during your consultation so he can assess whether it is the best dermal filler to use. Factors like your skin type, allergic reaction, and medical history might affect the result of the treatment.

Long Term Maintenance

How to optimize facial treatment results?

To achieve your desired natural results, you should really choose a trusted clinic to do your lip filler. Why? Because it’s one of the primary factors of having a successful lip filler and achieving fuller lips. When you choose a trusted clinic, it is best to work with the UK's leading cosmetic doctors and ensure that they only use high-quality medical equipment. But of course, it doesn’t stop there. Sometimes a patient's lifestyle, genetics, and aging process affect its results.

The Cost of Lip Filler London

Factors Affecting Pricing

Clinic Reputation and Expertise

How much do lip fillers cost?

Procedures like lip fillers in London typically cost around £250 to £400, but it still depends on the type of dermal fillers, chosen clinic, and other requirements. Sometimes, you can also add units to your lip filler, and that would also have an additional cost. The clinic’s reputation, medical professionals, and location can also be factors in the procedure.

To get an actual cost for the best facial in London at Harley Street Skin Clinic, you can book an initial consultation with our skin experts to further assess which type of dermal fillers match your skin needs. Book an appointment here.

Our Prices

From £420

Lip Filler Before & Afters

The remarkable difference a Harley Street Skin Clinic treatment can provide

We assess each and every case to find the most fitting placement for Lip Filler, so no need to stress about the dreaded 'trout pout'. This might be achieved by adding definition to your vermillion border, adding volume to a thinning smoker's lip, reshaping the cupid's bow, or just restoring balance to a mouth which appears unevenly weighted - Harley Street Experts have the vision to make your perfect pout a reality, and want to work with you to acheive it.

Lip Filler After
Lip Filler Before

When it comes to Filler, we believe in harnessing the natural look. Using specially formulated hyaluronic acid filler, expert doctors and practitioners at Harley Street Skin can unlock your pout's potential and leave you with a super subtle hint of fullness that everyone will notice but no one will suspect.

Lip Filler After
Lip Filler Before

Plumper lips can restore proportion to a face; detract from prominent front teeth or a discernibly long philtrum - even just correct fine lines forming around the mouth. But, if for any reason you aren't 100% pleased, patients should be comforted in the knowledge that all Hyaluronic filler is entirely dissolvable if required. Not to panic!

Lip Filler After
Lip Filler Before

Alternatively, if you're unsure whether Lip Fillers are for you or perhaps are just hoping to test the waters before diving in head first, Harley Street Skin also offer a 'Cinderella Lips' treatment perfect for the hesitant prince of princess. Why not try out a dose of pout plumping that lasts a mere 24-48 hours today?

Things You Should Know with Lip Fillers Treatment

Pre-procedure Essentials

What do you need to do before the treatment?

You need to be specific with your desired results and be as honest as possible about your skin type. It might also help if you could share the lip products that you are using so the doctor can assess whether it will be helpful for the treatment if you’ll continue using it. You should also avoid using products with active ingredients before and after your lip fillers.

During the Procedure

What can you expect during the treatment?

This typically lasts from 30 to 60 minutes depending on which type of filler you’ll be getting. Do lip fillers hurt? If you have low pain tolerance, don’t worry because there will be a topical or local anaesthetic, numbing cream applied to your lips to reduce any pain throughout the procedure.

Post-procedure Care

What do you need to do after the treatment?

Depending on which type of dermal fillers you receive, you might feel a little sting on your face or minor swelling after the procedure. You need not worry because it will surely subside in the next few days. It is recommended to ask your esthetician if there are further treatments that you can pair along with your dermal lip fillers.

Why Have Lip Fillers or Lip Injections?

If you have an asymmetrical lip shape and want to enhance its fuller form, then you should try the lip filler treatment to achieve that goal of yours. Aging and loss of collagen can also be reasons why you should try a lip filler treatment today. Aside from being minimally invasive, it's also much cheaper than any surgical procedure. The procedure typically lasts around 30 to 60 minutes, and you can resume your daily routine afterward.

Fuller and Contoured Lips

Minimal to No Downtime

Experience fuller and contoured lips immediately after your lip fillers treatment. This is for you if you’re already tired of your asymmetrical lip shape and have been wanting to enhance your overall appearance. While it typically has no downtime, there might be some factors that could affect the recovery process, so it is best to have a lip filler consultation with an expert esthetician.

Why do you need lip fillers?

If you want to enhance the fuller form of your lips, then you should try the lip fillers treatment to achieve that goal of yours. Aging and loss of collagen can also be reasons why you should try a lip filler treatment today. Aside from being minimally invasive, it's also much cheaper than any surgical procedure. The procedure typically lasts around 30 to 60 minutes, and you can resume your daily routine afterward.

Here are some of the benefits or perks that you'll experience once your treatment starts:

  • It helps in improving your lip symmetry, best for people with asymmetrical lip shape.
  • It also helps in smoothing out wrinkles and fine lines within your lip area.
  • It provides instant results in just a few sessions.
  • It has minimal to no downtime, so you can definitely resume your daily activities.
  • It is a cost-efficient treatment compared with other surgical procedures.

Factors Affecting the Success of Your Lip Fillers

The reputation of your chosen aesthetic clinic plays a huge factor in having a successful lip filler treatment. Along with that, you should also take note if the clinic uses updated technology and medical equipment to address different kinds of skin concerns. Their expertise, medical equipment, and skilled medical team should always be kept in mind when choosing your medical provider.

Transform Your Smile with Fuller Lips

If you also want to achieve fuller and contoured lips, then this treatment is best for you! You can now have that smile with fuller lips in just a few minutes or an hour once you book your initial consultation with us. Our skin experts will carefully explain to you the different types of dermal fillers suitable for your skin type and skin needs.

Lip Fillers in London Recovery Timeline

First 24 hours

You might experience mild swelling, redness, and light pain after but it will subside after a few hours.

  • Avoid touching the area.
  • Apply cold compress if needed.

One to three days post-procedure

At this point, swelling and bruising will slowly decrease.

  • You should sleep with your head elevated.
  • Use gentle skin care products only.

One week post-procedure

After a week, swelling and bruising should be gone.

  • Avoid direct sun exposure
  • Continue using gentle skin care products

Two to six weeks post-procedure

At this point, fillers are already settling and collagen production begins.

  • Communicate with your clinic about any reaction that may occur
  • Maintain healthy lifestyle

One month post-procedure

Full results are completely visible.

  • Consult with your esthetician for any necessary treatment best paired with lip fillers.
Lip Fillers Benefits

Advantages of Lip Fillers

Embrace a New Level of Lip Perfection

Adds Volume and Makes Your Lips Fuller

  • Improves lip symmetry.
  • Includes anti-wrinkle treatments and reduces fine lines within the lip border.
  • No downtime.
  • Provides instant results.
  • Perks of the Treatment

    Improvement of Overall Facial Appearance

    Fuller Lips

  • If you want to improve your lips, achieve a natural look, make them fuller without undergoing any surgery, then lip filler is the best treatment to address your skin concerns.
  • Cost Effective: Facial treatments are typically cheaper compared with any face enhancement treatment. It depends on which type of dermal filler you’ll be choosing.
  • Quick Recovery: It has minimal to no downtime so even if you’re a busy individual or you have a big event after, you can still have your facial treatment in between your busy schedule.
  • Achieve Natural Lip Shape: With just a few sessions, you can achieve a symmetrical lip shape that you’ve been aiming for.
  • Am I suitable?

    Is it good for my skin?

    There are different types of dermal fillers with different purposes, so it is best to consult with skin experts before undergoing a lip filler to further discuss skincare concerns. It is important because we have different skin types and sometimes, a type of dermal filler might not work for you because it is not designed to address your current skin concerns like pigmentation, acne scarring, and others.

    Lip Filler Treatment Risks

    Can these be prevented?

    Potential risks of lip filler treatments include:

    • Infection: It is best to look for a reputable clinic and skilled cosmetic doctors for your lip fillers. Infection usually occurs at the injection site.
    • Redness and swelling: This is normal after a couple of days of the procedure. Consult your doctor or esthetician if severe redness or swelling occurs.
    • Allergic Reaction: This might happen if you have any allergy towards the ingredients of the dermal fillers used.
    • Lumps and bumps: In some cases, you may develop an uneven texture or a few bumps under your skin.
    • Migration: This occurs naturally with lip filler treatments, so it is best to communicate with your doctor on what to do if you experience this.
    • Duck Lips: This typically occurs if your chosen medical clinic used the wrong type of lip filler or if too much filler has been used.
    Visit Harley Street Skin London

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