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Improved your facial balance

Experience Ultimate Transformation

Chin Implants In Our London Based Clinic

Our Clinic

London Based
Global Focused

Our clinic, Harley Street Skin, is the best cosmetic clinic in London. We are experts and knowledgeable when it comes to surgical procedures, just like Chin Implants. Our clients from around the globe are very happy with their treatment results.

Chin Implants With Our Practitioners

Our Practitioners

The Experts
Cosmetics Practitioners

Our doctors know the newest methods and approaches for Chin Implants. They will handle the procedure safely and effectively. We are confident that you are in safe hands and comfortable during the procedure.

Our Chin Implants Treatment Results

Our Results

Happy Client
Improved Chin Structure

Our clients have significantly improved their facial features after their chin implants. They have now a more defined and stronger jawline. They feel more confident and happy with their new looks.

What is a Chin Implant?


Experience the power

How does it help individuals?

A Chin Implant can alter small and receding chins by making them well-refined through surgery. Some people undergo this type of surgery for cosmetic purposes while on others it changes their appearance after reconstruction and repair from surgery or accidents. The surgeon fits and shapes the implant on the bone at the point of the chin.


  • Enhance the appearance of a small or receding chin
  • Create a more defined and contoured profile, jawline, and lower face
  • Improves symmetry of the face

Types of Chin Implants

Silicone Implants

This implant is famous for being flexible and strong. It can also be removed easily when needed.

Polyethylene (Medpor) Implants

It allows tissue absorption because of its porousness, reducing the possibility of shifting.

Gore-Tex Implants

These implants are composed of expanded polytetrafluoroethylene. It is also porous and it allows tissue synthesis.

Alloplastic Implants

These implants are made of synthetic materials that are customisable and biocompatible.

Anatomic Implants

It provides a more natural look because it is made to go after the natural shape of the chin.

Extended Anatomic Implants

It accentuates the chin and the jaw by stretching farther down the jawline.

Square Implants

These implants can achieve a more angular and masculine look.

Round Implants

It provides more subtle and softer improvements.

Tapered Implants

It creates a balance between augmentation and a natural look by making a narrow shape towards the tip of your chin.

The Chin Implant Procedure

Chin implant at work

How does it work?

Chin Implants work to improve harmony and balance by enhancing the size and form of your chin. A medical-grade silicone implant is used to cover the chin's natural bone shape. A more defined and symmetric appearance can be achieved with this treatment.

What will it do for individuals with chin concerns?

Durable and lifelong are the promises of Chin Implants. A newly formed chin can be preserved for a lifetime. Chin implants can help patients improve their facial balance, refine the jawline, improve the alignment of the teeth, and create a proportionate profile.

The key steps

What can I expect during the treatment?

Your surgeon and his team will administer local anaesthesia, they may sedate you based on the complexity and length of the surgery. They will start to cut the fold of your lower lip on the inside of your mouth. Sometimes, incisions are made outside of your chin. They will use special apparatus to take your skin, tissues, and fats out. After they are removed, your doctor will insert implants, which the specialist will manipulate to shape, string along your chin bone to get a natural look.

How long does the process last?

The duration of the chin augmentation surgery might depend on the technique and procedures used by your doctor. The surgical operation might be accomplished in an hour, 2 hours, or more for severe jaw readjustments and chin profiling.

Significant Results

Why do I need this treatment?

If your chin looks small or receding and you want to improve its appearance, or if you need a jaw or chin reconstruction after your surgery or accident, a chin implant is what you need. There are different types and shapes of chin implants; choose what best matches your features. Make sure to go to a reputed and expert professional; they will guide you and do the surgery properly and safely.

Can I combine Chin Implants with other surgeries?

Rhinoplasty is the most popular partner of Chin Implants; it is a surgical procedure to help reshape your nose. It is done to create maximum results. Moreover, there are several facial surgery procedures available to make attractive changes to your face. They include face lifts, brow lifts, eyelid surgery, cheek augmentation, and Botox. They will no doubt make your total facial and image change more seamless.

Safety and Comfortability

Are Chin Implants safe?

Even though Chin Implants procedures are generally safe, they still involve certain risks like any other cosmetic surgery if they are not carried out properly. In order to avoid problems either during the treatment to afterwards, you should find an accredited and board-certified plastic surgeon with many years of experience. Such specialists will be able to perform the operations completely safely and efficiently.

Is it hurtful?

Chin Implant surgery may be uncomfortable as it is performed surgically. Your doctor will use anaesthesia to make you comfortable during the procedure. You will experience pain and swelling in the chin area after the surgery for several days, but that is normal. Your doctor will prescribe pain medication to manage any discomfort during your recovery period.

Pre-treatment guidelines to follow

When can I have a Chin Implant replacement?

Unlike breast implants that need to be replaced after a few years, chin implants rarely need to be replaced. Chin implants may need to be replaced or modified if the results are asymmetric or not proportionate, and if the implant moves from its previous location. Replacement is also needed when the bone erodes or resorbs over time. Some patients who were not happy with their results requested another surgery for modification. Speak with your surgeon to discuss those possibilities before having Chin Implants.

When should I call my doctor after the treatment?

You have to call your doctor right away if you are experiencing a longer period of swelling or pain. If you have chills or fever and some indicators of infection like pus or discharge from your incision.

Chin Implant Prices

Factors Affecting Pricing

How much does it cost?

Areas with the highest cost of living tend to have higher prices for Chin Implants. These neighbourhoods include Notting Hill and Chelsea, Kensington and Knightsbridge in addition to Mayfair. Prices may range from £6,000 to £12,000 per session and even higher for premium packages and additional services.

On the other hand, Chin Implants in those neighbourhoods with lower demands and more competitors may offer a lower price. For some areas, like Shoreditch and Hackney in East London, Clapham and Brixton in South London, Camden and Islington in North London, and Fulham and Hammersmith in West London, prices may range from £3,000 to £6,000 per session, depending on clinic and package offer.

These are only approximations, to know the exact cost of Chin Implants, consult your doctor. Book an appointment here.

Our Prices

From £3550

Chin Implant Before & Afters

The remarkable difference a Harley Street Skin Clinic treatment can provide

Unlike Chin Filler, Chin Implants require a surgical procedure and will offer the patient lifelong respite from a chin they have been forerver unhappy with. Depending on the individual's concerns, the procedure may involve reshaping the existing bone, manipulating soft tissue and/or introducing a specially-made, silicone implant or plate.

This is typically done by making a small incision either hidden beneath the chin or inside of the mouth, whereby your surgeon can access the structures beneath and work at altering the appearance of the chin from within.

AfterChin Implants
BeforeChin Implants

Chin Implants can improve upon any chin-associated woe: from reducing a jutting jaw to adding weight to an unbalanced/tapered face and drawing attention away from a particularly undefined neck. Whether it is a case of chin reduction or embellishment, there is a surgical solution at your fingertips.

AfterChin Implants
BeforeChin Implants

Those in pursuit of a more 'masculine' aesthetic might seek a more squared, heavy chin and therefore select an implant which can give them just this. Those seeking a more traditionally feminine finish, however, may opt for a more angular, narrow implant or instead to have the bone chiselled to shape.

AfterChin Implants
Before Chin Implants

In fact - it is the versatility of this procedure which makes is so overwhelmingly popular amongst patients worldwide, providing jaw-dropping improvement to flat, oversized or recessive chins permanently. If you're still on the fence, why not read up on some of our most frequently asked questions below...

Chin Implant Essentials

Before Chin Implant

What are the preparations before the procedure?

  • Lab tests and physical exams are needed to ensure you are in good health.
  • Stop smoking for several weeks.
  • Tell your doctor if you are taking aspirin, anti-inflammatory medicines, or herbal supplements.
  • Your doctor may prescribe antibiotics that you need to take before the procedure to avoid the risk of complications.
  • Your doctor may take photos of your chin and side profile to plan the procedure and for before and after comparison.

After Chin Implant

What should I do after the surgery?

  • Avoid heavy lifting or activities.
  • Avoid bending over.
  • Take only soft foods for a few weeks.
  • Rinse your mouth with the prescribed dental rinse before and after your meals. It will help lessen the pain and keep the incision clean.
  • Follow the doctor's advice on the post-treatment plan.

After Chin Implant

What do I need to do after recovering to maintain the results?

  • Protect your chin from injury.
  • Avoid sun exposure.
  • Use skincare products that your doctor recommends.
  • Do not apply too much pressure to the area of your chin.
  • Maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Why Have a Chin Implant?


Achieving Facial Balance

How do Chin Implants enhance someone's looks?

You should get a chin implant if you feel that your facial proportions are not balanced, or if you want to improve your facial appearance, particularly your chin. It can change the look of a small or receding chin. Some individuals decide to have the surgery for cosmetic reasons, while others undergo reconstructive surgery because of an accident or trauma.

It helps by:

  • Creating a more balanced appearance on your face.
  • Providing a stronger and more defined jawline.
  • Restoring lost chin volume.
  • Boosting confidence and self-esteem.

Permanent Solution

Chin implants provide a long-lasting or even a lifetime solution compared to dermal fillers. If the implants are successful, they will stay longer, and there is no need for maintenance or replacement. That is why it is crucial to choose a board-certified surgeon to perform the chin surgery.

Improved Confidence

After having a chin implant, many individuals gain confidence and self-esteem. They become more positive and content with their lives after improving their facial appearance.

Recovery Timeline

1-3 Days

Discomfort around the chin region as well as common swelling and bruising will occur.

  • Apply a cold compress.
  • Take pain medications.

Week 1

The pain, swelling, and bruising may now decrease. Sutures may be dissolved at this time.

  • Avoid heavy activities.
  • Keep the treated area clean and dry.

Weeks 2-4

Swelling and bruising may continuously disappear. You will notice significant results.

  • You may continue light activities.
  • Attend follow-up checkup.

1-3 Months

The healing process continues. Results are more noticeable.

  • Protect your chin from possible trauma.
  • Slowly return to normal activities.
Chin Implant Benefits

Advantages of Chin Implants

Aesthetic Enhancements

Improved Facial Balance

  • Creates a more appealing and well-defined profile.
  • It provides a more angular and stronger jawline.
  • It lessens the appearance of a double chin and enhances neck shape.
  • Having good results

    Practical and Psychological Advantages

    Increased Confidence and Self-Esteem

  • It has long-lasting effects.
  • Minimal Scarring.
  • Quick procedure.
  • Want more?

    Customisation and Versatility

    Implants are Removable and Replaceable

  • Minimal Downtime.
  • It can be customised based on an individual’s specific requirements.
  • For comprehensive improvements, it can be combined with other treatments.
  • Am I suitable?

    Is Chin Implant good for me?

    Chin Implants are usually safe and effective, but you must consider certain factors before having the procedure.

    You have to be physically healthy to overcome surgical procedures. Your bones have reached maturity. You are not a smoker, and you have realistic expectations.

    Consult first with your doctor to know if you are suitable for the treatment.

    What are the Risk

    Can a risk be prevented?

    Potential risks of chin implants include:

    • Pain and discomfort: It is a common side effect of chin implants as it is done surgically.
    • Infection: Proper hygiene and post-treatment care are important to lessen this risk.
    • Bleeding and hematoma: Uncontrolled bleeding during or after the procedure may take place and can potentially lead to hematoma.
    • Implant Shifting: Another surgery may be needed if the implant moves from its original location.
    • Nerve Damage: The surgery may damage nerves that can potentially cause numbness or loss of sensation, particularly in the chin and lower lip. The changes are permanent in some reported cases.
    • Scarring: It may occur because of the incision.
    • Reactions or Allergy: Some individuals may react to the use of anaesthesia in the treatment.
    • Rejection of an Implant: The removal of the implant may be needed once it is ejected by the body.
    • Asymmetry: There is a chance that the implant is not proportionate after the surgery, so a correction surgery is needed.
    • Bone Resorption: The jaw bone may erode or resorb over time, which may lead to implant replacement or modification.
    • Unsatisfactory results: There is a probability that the patients may not be happy with the results and may need another treatment.

    It is best to consult an expert or your trusted surgeons before having a chin implant to minimise those risks.

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