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Say goodbye to ageing

Achieve a Unique Smile with Dimpleplasty

Dimpleplasty In Our London Based Clinic

Our Clinic

London Based
Cosmetic Clinic

Experience London’s reputable cosmetic surgery clinic, known worldwide for its expertise in dimpleplasty. We offer cosmetic procedures that create our patients’ unique smiles, using state-of-the-art techniques from various places globally.

Dimpleplasty With Our Practitioners

Our Practitioners

Experienced Surgeons
Cosmetics Experts

Step into the realm of medical arts where experts in the field and cosmetic specialists will redefine your smile with dimpleplasty. Our advanced techniques guarantee personalised natural dimples exceeding your realistic expectations.

Our Dimpleplasty Treatment Results

Our Results

Unique Indentation
Youthful Appearance

Experience a dynamic enhanced smile with a small indentation through dimpleplasty. We make confident impressions last with these natural looking results that change the face through our procedures.

What is Dimpleplasty?

Dimple Refinement

Smile Precision

How does dimple creation enhance your facial features?

Dimples symbolise beauty across many cultures and traditions. Dimpleplasty or Dimple Creation surgery is a minor surgical procedure and a non invasive procedure often performed under local anaesthetic. It creates dimples on the cheeks or chin to improve the face’s aesthetics. The dimples are designed to resemble those found in the smile lines of individuals with them as a natural feature. The dimple creation procedure creates an opportunity to achieve a delightful and youthful look, often associated with beauty and good luck, by emphasizing the smile and appearance with such charming enhancements.


  • No visible scars
  • Create more appealing smile
  • Speedy process

Types of Dimples

  • Cheek Dimple
    • These are the small indentations that are formed in cheek skin when a person smiles.
  • Chin Dimple
    • Also known as cleft chin. It is a little dent at the middle of the chin. It is the little groove that makes the chin unique.
  • Sacral Dimple
    • These are located at the lower back, which is near the backbone.

Types of Dimples

Cheek Dimple

These are the small indentations that are formed in cheek skin when a person smiles.

Chin Dimple

Also known as cleft chin. It is a little dent at the middle of the chin. It is the little groove that makes the chin unique.

Sacral Dimple

These are located at the lower back, which is near the backbone.

The Dimpleplasty Procedure

Surgical steps of dimpleplasty procedure.

What Happens During a Dimpleplasty Procedure?

Dimpleplasty surgery is a brief operation generally performed in a surgeon's office. To start with, your surgeon will apply some numbing ointment on the area where they are going to make a small incision that connects to the underlying muscle. This ensures that you don’t feel any pain during the process and it takes about ten minutes to take effect. Then your surgeon makes use of a biopsy instrument to remove a small amount of fat and cheek muscle tissue inside your mouth. The dimple creation procedure is fast as well as simple; a small amount of fat and muscle tissue is removed in this procedure and takes only an hour or less than that to complete.

Immediate visible result.

How long will the result last?

Dimple creations final results can last lifelong but remember stitches might break while healing initially thereby needing possible revision treatment. Immediate results are seen right after dimple creation surgery because newly created dents become apparent once the surgical procedure is completed.

With dimpleplasty, you can customize your desired dimple size and placement.

Can you choose the location, desired size, depth, and shape of the dimple?

The whole process is designed specifically for you; therefore you have the freedom of choosing where exactly you want these dents on your face. Most skin types work well with dimple creation surgery. The health and elasticity of your skin will affect how the dimples appear.

Dimpleplasty minimizes scarring and pain with care and medication.

How to manage discomfort and will there be scarring after dimpleplasty?

Initially, a small cut is made inside your buccinator muscle by the surgeon, then it is secured with dissolvable sutures. Since small incisions are created inside one’s mouth there will not be any noticeable scar tissue on the face. It is essential that after undergoing dimpleplasty we take certain medications like antibiotics, painkillers, and anti-inflammatory drugs which help in relieving discomforts as well as reducing chances of infection. You may have some slight swelling afterwards but applying ice packs over the place can make things better.

Restrictions on normal activities and food following dimpleplasty.

Any foods to avoid and when can I resume exercise after dimpleplasty?

During this time, it would be best if one avoids hard foods such as rice or tortilla chips but instead goes for softer alternatives like smoothies or mashed potatoes since they are easier to chew and won’t irritate your mouth much while recovering from the cosmetic procedure. You can engage in a full range of light activities like walking plus lifting light objects a few days after the operation but ensure you ask your doctor first before doing any vigorous activities like cycling, swimming aerobics, or weightlifting because this might lead to further complications.

Dimple Creation Surgery Cost

Factors influencing pricing

Pricing options and packages

How much does it cost?

Dimpleplasty is available at a rate of £1,800 for both sides at the well-known Harley Street Skin Clinic. This covers the services of world-class plastic surgeons, who are known for their skill in performing luxury cosmetic procedures. The high cost can also be attributed to the clinic’s reputation for providing excellent aesthetic services, which are indicative of its level of care and outcomes achieved.

With an absolute commitment to achieving outstanding results as well as the utmost customer satisfaction, Harley Street Skin Clinic forever stands premier when it comes to dimple surgery. Book for a free consultation today and learn how dimpleplasty can enhance your facial growth.

Our Prices

From £1800

Dimpleplasty Before & Afters

The remarkable difference a Harley Street Skin Clinic treatment can provide

Dimples are typically the result of the facial muscle known as the 'zygomaticus major' tugging down against the plump, fatty tissue of the cheeks. This is what gives them their association with youth.

Dimpleplasty is, of course, purely cosmetic and many that are in pursuit of a very particular aesthetic might opt to embark upon Dimpleplasty as it is known for remarkably softening a face, as well as adding the appearance of youthful plumpness and volume. In actual fact, may patients report back after noticing an undeniable improvement to facial warmth and approachability.

Dimpleplasty After
Dimpleplasty Before

Dimples are indentations on one or either side of the cheeks. Despite actually being a muscle imperfection, they are commonly associated with youth and beauty. They occur primarily when a muscle at the corner of the mouth, called the zygomaticus major, is naturally separated into two strands of muscles in the face.

Dimpleplasty After
Dimpleplasty Before

Because one strand of the muscle is located at the corner of the mouth, and the other is fastened to the tissue just below, when we smile and these muscles are flexed, a dent is created. This effectively allows the fatty tissue of the face to push back against the surface of the skin, whilst the muscle remains attached to the underlying tissue.

Dimpleplasty After
Dimpleplasty Before

Dimpleplasties are popular as they can fabricate the look of this occuring naturally. This is achieved by making incisions inside the mouth which create small depressions on the outside of the cheeks. Impressively, this treatment leaves no external scarring, and is ideal for enhancing facial attractiveness and drawing attention to the smile.

Dimpleplasty Essentials

Before Dimpleplasty

What you need to know before the treatment?

Before undergoing dimple surgery you must:

  • Find an experienced surgeon and schedule the initial appointment
  • Discuss risks and several benefits
  • Plan and choose the right placement of the dimples on your face.

After Dimpleplasty

What are the recommended post-operative care?

After dimpleplasty surgery, it's important to follow these recommended post-operative care steps to prevent complications:

  • Eat a soft diet, take small bites with no wide mouth movements.
  • Drink and eat healthy.
  • Use a cold compress to ease swelling and discomfort.
  • Use prescribed medications such as antibiotics and pain relievers.

After Dimpleplasty

Any lifestyle or dietary changes after recovering from the surgery?

It's still important to stay healthy after recovering from the cosmetic surgery. Here are some simple tips:

  • Eat well, this helps your body heal and stay strong.
  • Keep yourself hydrated
  • Doing regular exercise is good for your health, but take it easy at first.
  • Avoid smoking and too much alcohol.
  • Use sunscreen and avoid spending too much time in the sun.
Recovery timeline

Easy Recovery

Dimpleplasty is an easy cosmetic procedure to recover from. You will not be required to be in the hospital as surgery is performed in the office. It is done under local anaesthesia and you will be sent back to your home the same day after the operation.

You may have some facial swelling after the surgery, but it will resolve on its eventually about two to four days with the cold packs. You could, however, return to work or school in two days after surgery. You will also be re-evaluated by your doctor in a few weeks. In general, the recovery procedure takes two weeks, but sometimes it can take 1-2 months to notice the full result.

Dimpleplasty Benefits


Balanced Features

Enhanced Facial Appearance

  • It makes the face more symmetric and attractive.
  • Gives the face a lovely, youthful look
  • It brings a unique feature on your face which can boost self confidence.
  • Natural-looking dents because skin sticks to the underlying muscles.
  • No Downtime

    Quick recovery period

    Minimal Interruption

  • It takes a short time to heal so people can go back to their daily routine quickly.
  • It is performed under local anaesthetic and doesn’t require patients to stay in the hospital since it is an outpatient procedure.
  • Manageable swelling and pain through simple measures like ice packs.
  • Patients are able to resume office or school duties within several days.
  • Long-term Result

    Permanent Improvement

    Lasting Effect

  • Dimpleplasty results are typically permanent.
  • Reduces the need for temporary solutions such as makeup or prosthetics.
  • Enhances facial aesthetics for the long term, contributing to improved self-esteem and body confidence.
  • Creates a lasting facial impression on your cheeks, leaving a memorable impact on others.
  • Am I suitable

    Who is the ideal candidate?

    Individuals who are generally healthy and only want slight changes in their looks are a suitable candidate for cosmetic surgery. It is crucial to talk to a certified plastic surgeon about what you hope to achieve and any worries that you may have so that they can ensure the procedure is suitable for your needs.

    If you suffer from diabetes or another chronic condition, this might not be the best option for you. Ensure that your medical history and desired outcome from this operation are explained to the surgeon. After evaluating these aspects alongside your cosmetic history, your surgeon will design an individualised treatment plan fit for you.

    What are the Risk

    Can a risk be prevented?

    Dimple surgery is a low risk and uncomplicated surgical cosmetic procedure. Some of the potential risks are: patients get scars while others experience pain; infections or bleeding may also occur among those who undergo it. To avoid infections after the surgery, it becomes necessary to keep one’s mouth clean after the operation.

    You should consult a doctor if you experience problems such as prolonged pain or signs of infection on your cheeks. The doctor may prescribe antibiotics or recommend alternative methods to relieve these symptoms.

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