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The Harley Street Skin Clinic

Precision cosmetic surgery tailored to enhance and refine your natural beauty.

Cosmetic Andrology

Advanced procedures designed to enhance male aesthetics and address intimate concerns.

Cosmetic Gynaecology

Tailored surgical solutions to enhance feminine aesthetics and improve intimate well-being.

Comprehensive solutions to address a range of body concerns, from stubborn fat to skin laxity.


Tailored solutions for breast concerns, including size, shape, and symmetry.

Other Areas

Targeted solutions for stubborn areas of the body, tailored to your unique needs.

Volume & Contouring

Specialized treatments to enhance body volume and improve overall contour for a balanced silhouette.

Holistic care focused on improving overall health and well-being for a balanced lifestyle.

Digestive Health

Comprehensive care to support digestive health and improve overall well-being.

Energy & Immunity

Holistic approaches to boost energy levels and strengthen your immune system for optimal health.

General Health

Personalized strategies to maintain and enhance your overall health and vitality.

Expert care for a wide variety of skin and facial concerns, promoting a healthy, glowing complexion.

Ageing Signs

Expert treatments to minimize ageing signs, rejuvenating your skin for a youthful glow.

Skin Texture & Tone

Advanced treatments to improve skin texture and even out tone for a smoother, radiant complexion.

Specific Areas

Targeted treatments to address skin concerns in specific facial areas for balanced, refined results.

Volume & Contouring

Tailored solutions to restore facial volume and enhance natural contours for a more youthful appearance.

The condition

Smooth Shape, Confident You

Get the smooth and toned shape you’ve always wanted

What are Banana Rolls?

Maybe you’re wondering what banana rolls are, or you have a question in mind like, “is it related to banana bread rolls? Well, a delicious gluten free flour banana bread rolls can be a great idea but in this case it’s not about that. It’s about the excess fat storage in the body that typically looks like a banana roll.

Have you ever noticed small pockets of fat under your buttocks? If yes, that is what we call Banana Rolls. It’s between the upper thighs and buttocks and can accumulate in various sizes. It can be frustrating for some, especially if you’re trying to get that toned and smooth lower body. In some cases, it is a genetic predisposition to store fat under the buttocks and other areas of the body including the abdomen, thighs, back, and chin. Luckily, we have a solution in treating your excess fat.

Here at the Harley Street Skin Clinic, we are experts in helping you achieve your facial and body goals. Whether it’s invasive or not, we are here to help you get rid of excess fat in your body.

The benefits of treating Banana Rolls

  • It can help you boost your confidence by having a more contoured shape buttocks that will make you feel better in fitted clothes.
  • It can help in enhancing your muscle tone that gives your lower body a firmer and sculpted look.
  • It can help you have a more defined appearance under the buttocks.

Achieve a more defined buttocks appearance now and book an appointment with us.

Free Consultation

The symptoms

Banana-shaped curve

This typically forms a banana-like curve under the buttocks and oftentimes prominent with gaining weight or sometimes a reduced muscle tone. It usually affects how your body fits into certain clothes especially with tight and fitted styles.

Uneven lower body contour

It is often more visible in the lower body since banana rolls tend to create an uneven lumpy appearance in the lower body. You will notice this when you are wearing fitted clothes or swimwear.

Fat pockets under the buttocks

Banana rolls typically create visible bulge or lumps beneath the glutes that most of the time lead to unwanted body appearance. Most of the time, these pockets of fat are quite hard to resist using traditional weight loss methods, that’s why people experience difficulty in smoothing out their lower body.

Struggling in achieving a toned body

The visibility of banana rolls can make the weight loss journey of an individual more difficult than a normal weight loss process. This is because the stubborn fats under the glutes often resist traditional weight loss routine, exercise, and diet which often lead to frustration in achieving a more defined and firmer body.

When to see a doctor?
Expert Care, Confident You
Ready to trust the experts for your body transformation?

When diet and exercise don’t seem to work anymore, and you still want to get rid of that stubborn fats, then Harley Street Skin Clinic is the best place to look for.

Take note that traditional weight loss might still work if you want to get rid of it but if you want faster and with professional help, then it’s time to have a doctor consultation.

During the consultation, we will first assess your condition such as skin type and other medical history that will be helpful in recommending treatments for you. Whether you’re looking for invasive and non-invasive treatments, we can help you achieve your body goals.

Our goal is to help you towards a more defined and firmer body that you can be most proud of.

The causes
How can inherited fat rolls affect your body shape?

Gaining weight it not always about a result of over eating or lack of exercise, sometimes it could be attributed to genetics predisposition. There are people who are naturally predisposed to store fat in some areas of their body such as buttocks. Despite having a healthy lifestyle, regular exercise, genetic factors can still make it more difficult in reducing stubborn fats under the buttocks. The fastest way to get rid of it is by undergoing a treatment designed in reducing fats.

The risk factors
How do unhealthy habits impact the visibility of banana rolls?

An individual’s lifestyle can also be a great factor in having banana rolls. Poor diet and lack of exercise can often lead to increased risk of banana rolls in certain areas in the body like under the buttocks. Intake of high-calorie food and having a sedentary lifestyle more likely contribute to the formation of stubborn fat rolls.

The complications
Smooth Moves, Confident Fit
Physical Discomfort
  • Chafing and Irritation

    When someone has banana rolls, they could experience chafing and irritation especially during hot or humid weather conditions. This is because of the friction from clothing when rubbed against stubborn fats under the buttocks. In some cases it could also lead to sores.

  • Uneven body contour

    The presence of banana rolls can affect your overall body appearance and sometimes might lead to affecting your body confidence.

  • Difficulty in Fitting Clothes

    You might also experience difficulty in finding clothes that will fit you well because of Banana Rolls. Specifically if you want to wear skinny or other fitted type of clothes. The added bulge might not look appealing and you might experience discomfort whenever you try on new clothes.

  • Impact on Exercise

    Most people with banana rolls have experienced restricted movement due to the stubborn fat brought by banana rolls. Not only does it restrict their movement, it also affects their fitness body goals.

The prevention
Healthy Habits, Toned You
How can lifestyle changes reduce the risk of banana rolls?

When you practice and maintain a healthy lifestyle, it reduces the risk of having banana rolls. You can achieve this by having a diet rich with nutrients. You can also incorporate taking food with high-protein and avoid taking in a fresh banana bread rolls with cream cheese icing for a while. Not only that, you should also incorporate a regular physical activity that could be a great help in maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Strengthening Glute Muscles

You can also add to your regular exercise a few exercises that are specifically designed to strengthen your glute muscles. Some of the exercises that you can add are squats, glute bridge, lunges, and kickbacks. This could help you maintain a firmer and toned buttocks.

Stretch More, Sit Less
How does regular stretching help with banana rolls?

A regular stretching helps in preventing fat formation that often leads to banana rolls under the buttocks. When you do this, it improves your flexibility and gives you a proper circulation within the lower body.

Avoid excessive seating

When you’ve been sitting for a long period of time without any big movement, then you have a higher possibility of having stubborn fats under the buttocks. It’s because no movement was made for a specific period of time. If it can’t be prevented, make sure to take a few minutes to take short walks, stretching, and other movements that could help in preventing fat buildup.

Rest Well, Stay Fit
How does proper sleep prevent banana rolls?

When you practice and maintain a healthy lifestyle, it reduces the risk of having banana rolls. You can achieve this by having a diet rich with nutrients. Not only that, you should also incorporate a regular physical activity that could be a great help in maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Manage stress levels

When you’re experiencing high stress levels, it can lead to a hormonal imbalance that promote fat storage in certain areas like the lower body. It could also help to avoid or reduce the intake of stress-inducing food with high in saturated fats like cream cheese and other processed snacks.

Roll Away Fat
How do foam rollers help with banana rolls?

The benefit of using a foam roller regularly is to help release the muscle tension in the lower body as well as in improving its circulation. This also helps in reducing banana rolls by enhancing muscle tone.

Massage Therapy

Having a regular massage therapy helps in improving the circulation within the lower body as well as in breaking down fat deposits in certain areas like buttocks. Enjoy a smoother skin and enhance muscle tone once you get rid of banana rolls.

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    How can lifestyle changes reduce the risk of banana rolls?
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    How does regular stretching help with banana rolls?
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    How does proper sleep prevent banana rolls?
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    How do foam rollers help with banana rolls?
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Ivelina Mileva


Fast, professional service with excellent quality!

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Sarah Conners


Very professional and excellent care. Lovely premises.

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Mia Thompson

Mia Thompson


First Hydrafacial and wow, my skin feels amazing. 5 stars.

David Harewood

David Harewood


Excellent service as always. Highly recommended

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Delcita Jackson


Professional service.

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Very professional

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Ishaq Usama


Lovely place. Really friendly and informative. Loved it.

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Lovely friendly professional staff that go the extra mile

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Excellent service and friendly